X-10 - Introduction

x10chimeX-10 is a home automation standard that developed in the 1980-90s, however, it remains a cheap and simple system that can be used today. 

Some of our X-10 equipment is over 20 years old, and it works as well now as it did when installed.

The following pages explain the:

  • Types of X-10 modules available
  • Photos of X-10 modules
  • Uses of X-10 modules

A separate main menu link provides technical details on how I have modified 115V USA X-10 modules to operate at the UK's 230V.

While more modern protocols have been introduces, we have found that X-10 signalling is more reliable than Wi-Fi controlled switches that we are also using.

X-10 - Photos

x10utilWhen our property was built in 1989, we had a Southern Electric Electratech System installed, which used impulse relays in the consumer unit. 

However, this system was hopelessly unreliable, and Southern Electric paid to replace it with X-10 modules, passing future maintenance and repair responsibility onto us, which we accepted.

Here I show photographs of our X-10 system as currently installed, including: 

  • The fuse box with DIN appliance and Powerflash modules.
  • The Study where the computer interfaces are.
  • Transceiver units, located in a central area.
  • Appliance modules controlling irrigation
  • Stanley motion detector
  • A talking motion detector

X-10 - Types

Here the different types of device that have been used are explained: these are:

  • Transceiver units that both transmit and receive X-10 control signals.
  • Computer interfaces that allow a computer to control and monitor your X-10 System.
  • Mini and maxi controllers to control devices manually.
  • Appliance modules that just switch on and off.
  • Lamp modules that allow dimming.
  • Various sensors.

X-10 - Uses

The USA has a cheaper and richer source of modules than the UK has.  A mix of USA and UK modules that are used in our installation are explained and the specific uses are described:

  • Transceiver Units
  • Computer Interfaces
  • The Maxi-Controller
  • Storage Heater Control
  • Convector Heater
  • Lighting
  • Misc Uses